Sunday 5 February 2017

My own cards - Permaments

I become strongly inspired, writing the last post about talents. The inspiration surge led to creation of 5 new cards, one permanent asset for each of the classes. I apologize for lack of pictures to illustrate the cards – I was mostly focused on the pure gameplay part of the design.

Firearms seem to be slightly underpowered, given their limited uses. Marksman adds an additional punch to them. Hopefully we’ll get some more guns in the future expansions, making a fire-arm based deck an interesting option. The name is bluntly stolen from an Arkham Horror’s skill for additional legacy/nostalgic feeling.

Drawing cards is sort of a Seeker thing, and so is investigating. Combining both of them creates the “Astute” asset. Originally the requirement was discovering 2 clues, but it seemed too strong, taking Deduction/Rex’ ability into account. I am bit concerned it’s still too strong, frankly speaking.

Resourceful was inspired by the often present on Rogue cards requirement of succeeding by 2 or more. It can be nicely combines with other available Rogue cards, like Opportunist, Derringer etc., making them even more useful.

Forced Learning builds on two of the Mystic mechanics. First one is obviously drawing one of the special chaos tokens. The less obvious one is the high cost, high reward system. Once again I used a name of an already existing card – Eldritch Horror’s Glamour Spell.

One of the issues with evading enemies is – they stay in game. Designers offer some possibilities to enhance results of a successful evade. Bait and Switch or Close Call allow to temporarily handle non-Elite enemies. Ambush gives you the option to slowly wear down enemies by evading – from turn one! You can damage an enemy to make the task easier for the team fighter or maybe manage some of them on your own (even handier if you’re playing solo). 

Please share your feedback about my cards! Next week I plan to conclude all the base investigators and write some more general thoughts about the difference between them and the Dunwich Legacy investigators.

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